Greek offshore renewable energy conference
November 14, 2024
09:00 - 09:30
Welcome coffee
09:30 - 09:45
Opening session
• A word from the organizers (Bluesign, Intec, Akrocean)
• Greetings from Professor Ioannis Golias, CEO of Evgenidis Foundation, former Rector of the National Technical University of Athens, and former Caretaking Minister of Energy and Minister of Infrastructure and Transport
• François de Ricolfis, Head of the Regional Economic Service for South East Europe (Embassy of France in Greece)
09:45 - 10:00
The potential of offshore wind energy in Greece - Talk
• Aristofanis Stefatos, CEO (HEREMA) - Video
• Efi Karra, Sustainability & Policy Advocacy Officer (Hellenic Wind Energy Association - ELETAEN)
10:00 - 10:40
Leveraging non-price criteria to drive innovation, sustainability, and strengthen local supply chains - Panel discussion
Non-price criteria can be used to reward factors such as innovation and sustainability, differentiate and strengthen local supply chains, and alleviate the growing pressure for cost reductions. It is important to address how to ensure these criteria are effective, by setting clear and objective standards, avoiding overlap with existing policies, and maintaining the pace of deployment.
• Eleni Gaki, Senior Project Manager, Business Development (Iberdrola)
• Vasiliki Klonari , Head of Energy System Integration (WindEurope)
• Matthieu Monnier, Deputy director (France Renouvelables)
• Colin Morgan, Project Director (Everoze)
The panel will be moderated by Eleni Tsirikou (Intec)
10:40 - 11:00
Coffee break
11:00 - 11:40
Optimizing offshore wind tenders through technical assessment - Pitch session
To boost the competitiveness of offshore wind tenders, several countries, including France, have reduced risks by providing developers with environmental and geotechnical data.
What are the key insights and potential improvements for applying this approach effectively in the Greek and French markets?
• Apostolos Bakovasilis, Senior Analyst Offshore System Integration (WindEurope)
• Elsa Defachelle, Technical Manager (NortekMed)
• George Diakomanolis, COO (IRIDA AI Technologies)
• Pierre Heraud, Offshore Wind Project Engineer (DNV)
• Salma Yahiaoui, Research and development engineer (Akrocean)
11:40 - 12:10
Overcoming maritime challenges and port infrastructure for offshore wind - Panel discussion
The offshore wind industry depends on a range of maritime and port resources, and the French experience reveals challenges in securing appropriate vessels.
It is essential to adapt port infrastructures to accommodate offshore wind activities while balancing traditional uses. Anticipating maritime and port infrastructures investments during the early stages development is crucial.
• Tanguy Dennielou, Sales Director (Jifmar)
• Vassilis Giotas, Greece Country Manager (INNOSEA - Part of OWC)
• Philippe Léon, EOLE Project Manager (Nantes Saint-Nazaire Port)
The panel will be moderated by Agni Argyri (WFO)
12:10 - 12:20
Focus on French EOLE project
• Philippe Léon, EOLE Project Manager (Nantes Saint-Nazaire Port)
12:20 - 14:00
Lunch break & networking
14:00 - 14:05
MarineWIND project: key outcomes
• Leonidas Parodos, Project Manager (Q-Plan)
14:05 - 14:30
Developer focus: Addressing challenges and driving projects forward - Panel discussion
Wind farm developers bear a significant portion of project risk, from site selection and permitting to financing and construction, making their role pivotal in driving projects forward. Their ability to navigate these challenges, while also fostering collaboration across the supply chain and with local stakeholders, is crucial to unlocking the full potential of Greece’s emerging offshore wind industry
• Spyros Kiartzis, Director Alternative Energy Sources & New Technologies (HELLENiQ ENERGY)
• George Koumoundoureas, Head of Offshore Wind (Motor Oil Renewable Energy)
• Matthieu Pettinotti, Offshore Wind Business Developer Manager (OXAN Energy)
The panel will be moderated by Eleni Tsirikou (Intec)
14:30 - 14:45
Spatial planning: Co-existance of offshore activities in Greece - Talk
• Dimitris Melissas, Lawyer and Professor of Public Law (National Technical University of Athens)
14:45 - 15:15
Enhancing Local content and de-risking projects: Strategies for the Greek Offshore Supply Chain - Panel discussion
The offshore wind industry can conflict with various other sectors, such as fishing and tourism. Maximizing the positive impacts of the industry on the local economy, including its financial benefits, is crucial in gaining local acceptance. Projects face number of technical and supply chain challenges. In Europe, stakeholders have introduced various initiatives. What strategies can be envisioned to shape the offshore wind industry? How can they be adapted to the Greek supply chain and ecosystem?
• Daniel Bacon, Partner (Everoze)
• Francisco Otal, Head of Renewables for Europe (Hitachi Energy)
• Alberto Peña, Head of Business Development for Europe (BW Ideol)
The panel will be moderated by Eleni Tsirikou (Intec)
15:15 - 15:25
Floating Wind Market Development
• Agni Argyri, Offshore Wind Analyst (World Forum Offshore Wind)
15:25 - 15:35
Closing session
15:45 - 17:45
BtoB meetings session
17:45 - 20:00
Post conference networking - Afterwork Bluesign
If you have any questions or are interested in being partner or sponsor of the event, feel free to contact us